
This is a TEST/DEVELOPMENT site and therefore must not be used for working on data management plans or related activities by users. Plans created and stored on this site will be deleted without warning.

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DMP Templates

Templates are provided by a funder, an organisation, or a trusted party.

Template name  Download Organisation name  Last updated  Funder links Create a new plan Sample plans
(if available) Sample plans are provided by a funder, an organisation or a trusted party.
NERC Template (new window) Opens in new window (new window) Opens in new window Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) 22-05-2018 Requires login
STFC Template (new window) Opens in new window (new window) Opens in new window STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council) 18-10-2018 Requires login
Population Research Committee Template (new window) Opens in new window (new window) Opens in new window Cancer Research UK (CRUK) 18-10-2018 Requires login
NSF - generic (new window) Opens in new window (new window) Opens in new window National Science Foundation (USA) 18-10-2018 Requires login
Standard CRUK Template (new window) Opens in new window (new window) Opens in new window Cancer Research UK (CRUK) 18-10-2018 Requires login
BBSRC Template (new window) Opens in new window (new window) Opens in new window Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 16-05-2019 BBSRC policy on DMPs Requires login TRDF Grant DMP from Cambridge
Drosophila Genetics DMP from Glasgow
EPSRC Data Management Plan (new window) Opens in new window (new window) Opens in new window Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 16-05-2019 Policy framework on research data Requires login Synthetic chemistry example from Glasgow
Horizon 2020 DMP (new window) Opens in new window (new window) Opens in new window European Commission 16-05-2019 Guidelines on FAIR data management Requires login ArchAIDE example from York
Analysis of the distribution of the population of Austria by altitude
Correlating LA Museum Visitors to Crimes in LA
SNSF DMP template (new window) Opens in new window (new window) Opens in new window Swiss National Science Foundation 12-07-2019
Requires login
Health Research Board DMP Template (new window) Opens in new window (new window) Opens in new window Health Research Board (HRB) Ireland 04-09-2019 Health Research Board
HRB Open Research
Requires login